jueves, 14 de octubre de 2021

My experience with Twitch:

The last year, during the pandemic, it was really hard to find a way to use my free time doing something productive, so one day I decided to start streaming on twitch. It was difficult to create content on air the first streaming, but with some practice I started to have more confidence in myself, and the streaming started to be funnier and more interesting for me and my viewers.

Over the time, the number of viewers increase stream by stream, to the point I created my own community of people with my same likes, on the other hand, I started to make money doing streams, because the viewers who like my content could donate a certain amount of money to help me with the objective of improving my stream setup, for example, a better microphone, a better camera, better lightning, etc.

I really have a good time during the streams, because I can be myself in front of some people that maybe I could never meet them in real life, but I really make a good friendship with them. Unfortunately, these days it has been difficult to me to stream because I use all my time doing university stuff, but its ok, I hope to be right back on twitch soon.

These are two of the emotes you can use on my twitch chat.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hello Juan! I have seen steams on twich but I've never streamed there. It's good that you found something to spend your free time, because you have fun at the same time that you earn some money.

  2. the university takes a lot of time to offer other activities is a serious problem for mental health.

  3. Nice that you can do something creative like this. 12 points = 7

  4. Hi Juan, I have known this platform for a short time and it is interesting to share all kinds of content. Hope you come back to Twitch soon!


My experience with Twitch:

The last year, during the pandemic, it was really hard to find a way to use my free time doing something productive, so one day I decided to...